
Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications
The Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications – the Tourism Sector, is responsible for the following: the implementation of the law on Tourism and the Strategy for the Development of Tourism in the Republic of Serbia; monitoring and analysis of the the systematic solutions, legal regulations and economic measures in the business and the development of the tourism industry and suggesting the appropriate measures, research and analysis of the situation and tendencies on the tourist market, regarding different tourist products and clusters, the procurement and the analysis of the data from the Tourist Register.

PE Ski resorts of Serbia
PR „Ski resorts of Serbia“ is a company whose mission is to develop skiing infrastructure and thus place ski resorts in Serbia side by side with European and international ski destinations and to make them more accessible and attractive to domestic and foreign tourists. Mission is to have supreme offers for all seasons and high quality services at all times, and thus to ensure utter satisfaction for all those who visit our mountains. Vision is to become a regional leader in providing the conditions for high-quality and safe skiing and other sports and recreational activities, while preserving the environment, and with a focus on sustainable development.

TOS - National Tourism Organisation of Serbia
Was founded in 1994 as government agency for promo on and enhancement of tourism products in the national and international tourism markets with the objective its values and potentials. Main activity of National Tourism Organisation of Serbia is positioning in the international market through its strategic position, historical, cultural and natural identity. In that light NTOS exhibits in most international tourism exhibitions worldwide. This provides opportunities for bigger industry exposure and chance of atracting different target audience. Above all- NTOS works very closely with all industry stakeholders in Serbia in public and private sector with the mission of shaping even better tourism offer that creates opportunities for better economic and social development of the Republic of Serbia.

Central European Iniative (CEI)
Founded in 1989, the CEI is a regional intergovernmental forum commitied to supporting European integration through coopera on among its Member States. It combines multilateral diplomacy and project management, both as donor and recipient, while bridging European macro-regions. The CEI strategic objectives are to support CEI Member States on their path towards European integration, to promote the alignment to CEI Member States to EU standards as well as to implement small and medium size projects.

Hotel Zlatibor Mona
Hotel Zlatibor Mona is surrounded by beautiful pine trees, located in the very center of Zlatibor. The hotel interior is carefully selected and designed to present the guests with a complete mountain experience during all seasons through a combination of traditional and modern elements, wooden paneling and the finest fabrics in warm tones. n our hotel we nurture the spirit of the local community. All the employees and management of the hotel are from local communities. Additionaly we offer programs of scholarships to educate students and provide a job after graduation.

CTRS – The Center for Tourism Research and Studies
The Center for Tourism Research and Studies is an independent business and research community in the field of sustainable tourism. Since 2008, a team of young people at CTRS have been working closely with other regional and governmental organiza ons and think-tanks throughout the South East Europe region aiming at adop ng guidelines for sustainable tourism and local economic development. Born as a Serbia- based initiative, CTRS steadily grew into a regionally recognized organization with partnerships in 12 countries of the SEE region and strong public, private and academic organizations in its network with a number of projects focusing on sustainable development, tourism product placement and environmental protection.
About EIAT platform
Created in 2008, the EIAT platform aims to create conditions for a better cooperation of thepublic and private sector withthe academia, where a perfect environment for the continued learning and the exchange ofexperience in the tourist industry will be promoted.
Over 2000 delegates from 13 countriesof South-East Europe and the Middle East, 900 students of 25 professional colleges fromthe countries of the region tookpart in EIAT, while over 130 topics were presented thanksto the cooperation with 120 panelists from over 30 countries worldwide.